
The haunting images of a past

Not yet my own. I feel- –

I must create their immortality.

The cries of the forgotten

Of a new kingdom beheld.


Anxious states push today

“When I have Fears…”

Oh how it rolls off my tongue

I do not even realize –

The shaking of my very hands.


Hands of another in a past life

Reading the forgotten books

Of forbidden knowledge

Pages cascading on a chilly day.


The bitter dreams awaken the soul

Her haunting words follow my fears.

“I think I made you up inside my head”

Vintage delusions hang upon the walls


Waking up with the bitter taste

Of poison piercing my throat

And words of loving embrace- –

The pathway of the past

Beginning again with that fateful… 

Published in: on March 12, 2013 at 5:51 PM  Leave a Comment  

With this Kiss

I cannot fathom what it would be like to kiss you.

I shudder when I realize you will break my heart.

The easy way the words flow from your tongue

The strength when you pull me close

Yet star struck I stand unable to break free.

Curious to unleash what’s in your desires

Curiosity was never a safe way to go.

The green eyes and your talent for love

Are simple devices women like me fall for

Yet it’s different because I know your tricks

I see how it unravels and still I stand

Hoping, praying I’ll break the cycle with this kiss.


Published in: on March 12, 2013 at 5:49 PM  Leave a Comment  

Jane and Dorothea

Dorothea sat by the window seat trying to imagine the beautiful blueprints of the estates she drew up comes to life. The meadows outside the window remained calm, balanced and in beauty just like every other day. While such beauty thrived, her heart was in full chaos. Two suitors aimed for her heart. One, such an amiable gentleman who would love to put her dreams into effect would be the best candidate, that was surely so. Another, older than her uncle no doubt turned her mind inside out and challenged her intellect and engaged her in outstanding conversation. What was it to Celia or her uncle if she married above her age? Yes, she was nineteen this year and considered a young woman of good social standing; however, her heart desired some comfort and the need for extending beyond the four corners of her quarters. She wanted to aid Mr. Casaubon in his efforts to write the Key for All Mythologies. Surely, she could take notes and read to him to inspire some great action. She must silence the fluttering of her heart and ask for advisement from her dear friend Jane.

            The walk outside to Thornfield was pleasant enough and she felt lighthearted thinking about her decision to marry Mr. Casaubon. His letter of inquiry was not as romantic as young girls would imagine but that must be due to all the knowledge that haunts his thoughts. Other than that, she did not need romantic notions to understand what a match they would be. Sir James Chettam was a man more suitable for Celia. He was full of overbearing energy and can flatter Celia to all extents. As charming as his manner was, all Dorothea saw was a replica of the puppy he planned on giving to her, following her trail and aiming to please.

            Walking up the steps with the blush of fresh air on her cheeks, she was welcomed into the dining room to await Miss Eyre, or in fact, now to be known as Mrs. Rochester. The wedding took place sometime ago and with great urgency and pride. Mr. Rochester was off on business but wrote frequently to Jane as Dorothea was told by Mrs. Fairfield. Soon, Jane entered to room and had so much sparkle in her eyes.

            “Dorothea! How pleasant it is to catch up with you! It was unfortunate you missed the wedding but we could not postpone it since our time was delayed by other events. I hope you are quite well and full of vigor in your own life.”

            Dorothea shifted in her seat and looked at her friend, “I wish I could say the same and I welcome you all the happiness I can see in your eyes. I have never seen you so sure and passionate about anything other than your books. How is Mr. Rochester fairing, surely he proves to be quite a good husband?”

             Jane smiled and for an instant, Dorothea saw the beauty that was pouring from her skin. This plain being of a girl looked like a fairytale image. Jane breaking her thoughts replied, “Oh, I have never found anyone quite as stimulating as my husband. We can speak for hours on various subjects while teasing each other into treacherous but delightful pleasures. I have never felt so accepted and alive than after having him to be mine. Yet…Miss Brooke, why are you so pale, you are normally passionate and forth with your feelings. What conflicts your mind on this day?”

            “I am conflicted and must broach a delicate subject with you. I have received an offer of marriage from a clergyman of intellectual means. He is much older than I but he may be exactly what I have been searching for. There is word of another offer that may be approaching from a young gentleman closer to my age, but not to my mind. I am conflicted for which proposal I should accept, if any. I came here for selfish reasons I admit, I wanted to know if marrying someone of well…older years made you as happy and I can already see that it did and I should accept Mr. Casaubon.”

            Jane looked at Dorothea closely and thought to herself before replying. Finally after a few moments, Jane says, “It does not matter the age I assure you and Mr. Rochester may pass as my father. Yet, I think about him at every moment and all the events he and I can share together. He understands my passions and sees the beauty of me even when I do not see it myself. He holds my heart within his for safekeeping and we rarely quarrel. Yet, I believe you are not in love with Mr. Casaubon. He may be your plan for escape and to broaden your mind. You can broaden your mind with books but cannot find an acceptable suitor with them either. Your mind is attracted to Mr. Casaubon, but your heart may still be yearning for something more. With this other suitor, he sounds as if he is amiable enough but so much like the gentleman in town; waiting to catch a pretty lady that catches their eyes. Wait for that moment when everything is aligned with the stars and your heart surely knows what will make it jump forth into another’s”

            Dorothea had tears in her eyes as she grasped her friend’s hands, “Oh how I envy the love you found at such an early age and the dedication you possess towards it. Your words are true, for that I am sure. Yet, I feel I must escape my dreary life and prove that women are more knowledgably driven than what my uncle says. Perhaps I can grow to love Mr. Casaubon in time. He can challenge my mind and can inspire me to do great things. Sir Chettam is a pleasant fellow but will get bored of me soon enough and I of him. I hope I make the right choice dear Jane; the rest of my life depends on it! I shall look onto you and Mr. Rochester for guidance and inspiration to make my marriage life prosperous, full of laughter and love. I must return home and write the letter to Mr. Casaubon, my mind is made up and I thank you for your advice.”

            Jane thanked her for her visit and watched her leave and walk through the fields, whispering to herself she said, “Take care Dorothea, I hope your marriage is full of what you hope it to be.” 

Published in: on March 12, 2013 at 5:48 PM  Leave a Comment  

Lectures on Chaos

Such a world accounted for evil

So blind we victims cannot see

The monster strikes at virgin souls

Such evil lies with Grindle freed

Lost are the epic men of that time

Who was there to lay their sword?


Ginsberg knew it to be quite true

Moloch continues to haunt all hearts

Scorching minds with morbid thoughts

Fighting surely means no death

A way to give regret to leave

The appearance of a parallel between


There is a life story to be found

Of worthy papers soon behold

Of struggles faced some time ago…

The evil that was soon transformed

While the villagers waited for a cure

There truly is no way for us to know.

Published in: on March 12, 2013 at 5:47 PM  Leave a Comment  

I Wish

I wish to sail the seas like Columbus

Watching the sunset in such beauty

I want to have a lover with no limits

To feel the strength of pure passion

I finally wish to write a novel

That both shocks and inspires readers

I want to scream and curse out the people

Who bullied me and sent fear through my spine

To show them the confidence I now possess

Within these very words my pen writes

I wish to face my fear of dying

Which haunted every child’s night

To complete all levels of wishes

And embrace my only wondrous life

Published in: on March 12, 2013 at 5:46 PM  Leave a Comment  

Sylvia’s Song

I shut my eyes and fall to oblivion

I open to realize all has begun

(I think I made you up inside my heart)


The stars dance while the soul fails to sing

While the caressing blackness carries on

I shut my eyes and fall to oblivion


I dreamed you seduced me into corruption

Whispered sweet tortures, kissed me quite untamed

(I think I made you up inside my heart)


God falls from above; hell’s fires sleep:

Exit Uriel with Lucifer’s sheep:

I shut my eyes and fall to oblivion


I wish for you to return to me once again

But my skin withers like the roses

(I think I made you up inside my heart)


I wish I loved a character instead

At least when I open the pages he comes back again

I shut my eyes and fall to oblivion

(I think I made you up inside my heart)

Published in: on March 12, 2013 at 5:46 PM  Leave a Comment  


Hear the whispered lies so softly spoken

Envision the warm embraces he will give

Always waking up to receive a love token

Remember all the moments love will live

Tell a romantic story in which you starred

Be that girl the charming man will fall for

Reach into the past and erase the papers scarred 

Every man will break a heart in this lover’s war

Angelic eyes will always fool a heavy heart

Kiss the frog and watch the heartbreak start 

Published in: on March 12, 2013 at 5:45 PM  Leave a Comment  

Heart’s Sacrifice

And the heart is thrown with fiery attempts

Waiting for the sacrifice of love to be made

The stars are blinded by such beauty

While the hands from beneath reach to touch

The feeling of life soaking through the pores

While swords reluctantly release their crossing ways

Published in: on March 12, 2013 at 5:44 PM  Leave a Comment  

For S.P

I felt as if you never noticed

The tears falling as raindrops

The ink representing drops of blood

She tried telling you, all of you


A piece of parchment was the key

A storyline followed her words

Her pain was a nightmare to begin

Her dreams a fantasy of death


She tried reaching out to all of you

Oh such a frail invisible girl

Only made famous for her death

Now her words are remembered


Her husband just as famous

And possibly a frivolous rake

The lava overflowed her wounds

He they yelled a cause of death


Finally she gave up trying to tell

Of her fears and fierce motivations

She had done it then and proud

A solid death she joined to an end.


Published in: on March 12, 2013 at 5:44 PM  Leave a Comment  

He Said I’ll Take You Far Away

He said I’ll take you far away

To a new place so dark

We can watch the stars fall

A new adventure to begin


The past will never let us stay

Move on through the stressing years

Let us just run through the fields

We made it through this far


He grabbed my hand with warmth

Those hands I haven’t felt before

So long ago it seems to me

My heart wasn’t what it used to be


He said I’ll take you far away

Just follow me my dear

The past we will never stay

My love, there’s no more to fear

Tears running down my face

I left you the door silently closes

Crossbones across my heart

Physical sensations all gone tonight


Take me away one more time

Take me to ecstasy be my love

Run after me just one more time

Then we can slowly shut the blinds

Published in: on March 12, 2013 at 5:42 PM  Leave a Comment